Introduced in 2012 in Ghana, Kiss is currently the number condoms brand in Ghana with visibility in 9 out of every 10 outlets visited. In Liberia and Sierra Leone, the brand was introduced in 2018.
Kiss Classic Condoms
• well lubricated
• 3 pieces of condoms.
• Natural coloured
• smooth walls
• jasmine Scented
• prevent pregnancy, STIs and HIV/AIDS
Kiss Strawberry Condoms
• Strawberry Scented
• 3 pieces of condoms.
• Red coloured
• Smooth Walls
• prevent pregnancy, STIs and HIV/AIDS
Ghana (Head Office):
Hs# C327, 14 Nii Boney Street, Dzorwulu – Accra
Tel: (+233) 302 772 799
Bushrod Island, Sayon Town, Monsterrado Country, Monrovia
Tel: (+231) 778 172 882
Sierra Leone:
13B Mandingo Town, off Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown.