
MaFem is a brand name for a misoprostol medication, which is a synthetic prostaglandin. It contains Misoprostol 200 mcg.

Primary uses:

  • Prevention and treatment of bleeding which occurs immediately after childbirth (postpartum haemorrhage)
  • Used for the induction of labour (IOL)
  • Treatment of incomplete abortion and silent miscarriage in the first trimester
  • Can be used to heal existing ulcers
  • May help prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestine.

Mechanism of action:

  • Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog that stimulates prostaglandin E1 receptors on parietal cells in the stomach to reduce gastric acid secretion.
  • Mucus and bicarbonate secretion are also increased along with thickening of the mucosal bilayer so the mucosa can generate new cells.
  • Misoprostol binds to smooth muscle cells in the uterine lining to increase the strength and frequency of contractions as well as degrade collagen and reduce cervical tone

Mode of administration:

  • Induction of labour (IOL): Dissolve 200mcg in 200ml of water and take 25ml of that solution equivalent to 25mcg misoprostol as a single dose. Take each next dose after two hours until labour starts.
  • Treatment of incomplete abortion and silent miscarriage in the first trimester – Administered 800mcg and repeated after 24 hours.

Ghana (Head Office):

Hs# C327,                                       14 Nii Boney Street,           Dzorwulu – Accra

Tel: (+233) 302 772 799


Bushrod Island, Sayon Town, Monsterrado Country,       Monrovia

Tel: (+231) 778 172 882

Sierra Leone:

13B Mandingo Town, off Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown.

Tel: (+232) 30 145 438

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